Vegan MoFo 2019 Day 3 - Rainbow Bagel Hack?

Feast your eyes upon the holy grail of whimsical baked goods… the almighty rainbow bagel!

Well, kinda. There are a lot of recipes out there for rainbow bagels, but I settled on the easiest one, because, well, duh? I tried this one from Spoon University. Bonus points went to this recipe because today’s official #veganmofo19 prompt is “Biscuits – give us your best biscuit or cookie!”

Basically, you take 2 tubes of biscuit dough, mix it with some food coloring, shape it into rings, bake, and voila! Rainbow bagels! Or more accurately, rainbow colored, bagel shaped, biscuits.


My five year old son hates biscuits, but he was very interested in tasting my rainbow bagels, especially once I added sprinkles. Sprinkles make everything better.


Good news! He LOVED it! Here are his exact words: “Wow Mommy! It’s super good… it tastes like cake with no flavor!”

There you have it folks. Cake with no flavor. We can officially declare this shortcut a success.

For real though, keep your eyes out for my second attempt at rainbow bagels. Next time I’ll do it the old fashioned way with no shortcuts. Or maybe I’ll just see if any rainbow bagel shops deliver to Nevada.

What would a millennial do? Delivery for sure!

How Millennial Are You bagel.jpg

PS- Don’t worry. This is my last rainbow recipe for at least a few days. I just needed to use up the last of my premixed natural food coloring.